OPUS is a special food and wine experience founded, designed and managed by Alex Morabito and his team. From the opening in mid-January 2009 OPUS has become one of the best wine bars in Asia, with awards from CNN, Thailand Tatler, Luxe and is often placed in the top 10 restaurants in Bangkok as assessed by TripAdvisor. OPUS has also been awarded a certificate of authenticity by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Culture, given to only 12 Italian restaurants in Thailand. The highlight of OPUS is the state of the art walk-in wine cellar which ensures that each bottle is perfectly maintained at the correct temperature and humidity. We proudly offer what is probably the widest selection of Italian wines in Bangkok intended to suit all palates. OPUS cuisine offers a contemporary Italian menu carefully presented and designed by the talented Executive Chef Davide Calo’, who made his name in some of the best restaurants in Italy and elsewhere, including the Hilton Hotel in Washington DC We look forward to welcoming you at OPUS, The Italian Wine Bar & Restaurant

  Opus Wine Bar 64 Pan Road Silom
105000 Bangkok

Certifica la tua azienda. Richiedi ID anticontraffazione Certifica che la tua Azienda è in possesso dei requisiti richiesti per l’inserimento in Eccellenze Italiane e richiedere l’erogazione di un ID Anticontraffazione, che sarà impresso sul certificato e sulla vetrofania che provvederemo a consegnarti e potrai poi esporre al pubblico.
Segnala un’eccellenza Se conosci un’attività che reputi eccellente, puoi segnalarcela e fare in modo che ottenga il giusto riconoscimento
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